
N2 Math Search

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Glossary: The N2 Math Dictionary

Finally. A glossary. An N2 Math glossary. If you had a hard time understanding some words in lessons, more often than not, that word will be in this glossary. Any words in bold-faced print will be in this glossary. When a new lesson is released, this glossary will be updated. Enjoy!

subtraction - The second kind of arithmetic. Subtraction is when we take a certain amount from a number. See the subtraction lessons or Khan Academy for more details.

subtract - This is what we do in subtraction. Subtract is the verb form of subtraction, which is a noun. See the subtraction lessons or Khan Academy for more details.

add - This is what we do in addition. Adding is combining one number with another. For example: 3+2=5. See the addition lessons or Khan Academy for more details.

sum - The answer of an addition problem. For example: the sum of 2+3 is 5. See the addition lessons or Khan Academy for more details.

carry - This is something that we do in addition and multiplication. When we carry, we're taking a number into the next column and adding it to the sum (total) of that column. See the addition lessons, multiplication lessons, or Khan Academy for more details.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Division 1: The Big Challenge Begins!!

Now we face the big challenge that I've been talking about, although at first it won't be super hard.

Division is the opposite of multiplication. In division, we divide one number by another. Our problem this time is gonna be 8 divided by 2. What this means is that we're gonna divide 8 into 2 groups. In other words, the question to ask ourselves is, what times 2 equals 8? Well, there isn't much of a good way to walk you through this, because there's really just a flat out answer for this one. And it is...
4!! Do you know why? Well, 4x2 is 8, and so 8 sliced in half (2 groups) would be 4!! If you don't understand this, or disagreed with this answer, I would recommend Khan Academy. You might want some practice.

OK, you've now mastered the basics of the big challenge, division. But can you overcome the obstacles that lay ahead?

We'll find out the next time we get deeper N2 Math!!